so most of you know that eme has never been what i could call an easy baby. she had colic and, i'm pretty sure, reflux (even though the doctor decided that she was not in need of medication for it unless she was losing weight) for several months. after that seemed to be over, she was still very clingy, only accepting mommy to comfort her, and usually only wanting to be nursed in comfort. she didn't sleep well at night or during the day unless she was being held, and not for very long even then. she was extremely fussy for about 90% of her waking hours, and i just established that that was most of her day and night.
i learned to deal with it, as we have to, relatively well, managing to get about 80% of my housework and errands done each week with a baby on my hip and some screaming in my ear. then she started to change a bit. she started wanting to cuddle and play with me. she was such a sweet little girl...for me. still a nightmare for anyone else. then she decided daddy was okay, as long as mommy wasn't around. i started to worry that no one was ever going to see what a sweet little baby she really was because it was only in the privacy of our own home! i felt bad that she was developing a reputation as "the nightmare baby" that no one would want to be around. she was "that" baby.
but a few weeks ago, we experienced a complete turn around. eme now lets me leave the room without screaming. she plays with her sisters. she actually squirms to get away from me to explore. the other day, she started doing "knock knock" jokes with us at the table! she wants to play on the slide at mcd's. and friday, a real breakthrough: we were at a friend's house and she not only let me put her down, but she played quite happily on her own for HOURS there. she didn't even have to be right beside me. she came to me to get food and to go to sleep (which she did there)! then she slept through the night! suddenly, she is taking good naps and is just, overall, a happy baby! believe it people! this is a happy baby!
the difference? i think it is sleep. i tried cry it out a few times with her without significant success, but i decided to try it again with a few tweaks, and TA DAH!
apparently, she was cranky because she was as tired as i was! now that she's sleeping, she usually in a very good mood! so, say what you want against CIO, people, but it made for a much happier baby here!
Yay! She's always been cute, even while crying, but a well rested baby is priceless I think!
Awwwww, She's so cute Susan! She looks so much like you!
f x
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